GS-13 Form

The GS-13 form is the approval page for all theses, dissertations, and project reports that are submitted to the Graduate Resource Center (GRC). Theses and project reports must be approved by a committee of at least two permanent faculty members.

Committee members will sign the GS-13 form to indicate their approval of the student’s final draft. Department chairs, division chairs, or school directors will also sign the GS-13. Signed GS-13 forms are due to [email protected] by Deadline 3

Filling Out the GS-13 Form

Students, staff, or faculty can initiate the Adobe Sign request to acquire signatures on the GS-13 Form. 
*EdD students must contact the EdD program office to complete the GS-13.

The following information is required to complete the signature request:

  • Student's Full Name
  • Student's CIN
  • Student's Degree Program
  • Title of the Thesis, Project Report, or Dissertation
  • Names and email addresses of all committee members
  • Name and email address of Department Chair, Division Chair, or School Director*

    *AuD students will enter the name and email address of the AuD Program Director. Interdisciplinary Studies students will enter the name and email address of the Dean of Graduate Studies.

GS-13 Adobe Sign Instructions

Step 1: Open the digital form based on the number of committee members and click "Continue".

Step 2: Select the correct degree program from the dropdown menu, then enter the student's full name, CIN, and title of the thesis, project report, or dissertation. Click "Submit".

Step 3: In the "Assign to next participants" window, enter the names and email addresses of the Committee Chair, additional committee members, and the department chair/division chair/school director/program director. Click "Next".

Step 4: Enter your email to send the request for signature and click "Submit".
*Note for faculty and staff filling out the form on behalf of a student: this step is where you enter your email so that you can keep track of signatures.

Frequently Asked Questions

Students should upload the committee-approved draft to ProQuest first. Then, students should email the signed GS-13 form to [email protected].

No. The GRC will only accept GS-13 forms that have been digitally signed through Adobe.

If the Department Chair is also on the Committee, they will sign the GS-13 twice: once as the Department Chair, and once as a member or Chair of the Committee.

No. PhD candidates in Special Education will forward to the Thesis/Dissertation Coordinator the dissertation approval email from UCLA Graduate Division in lieu of a GS-13 Form.